Frequently Asked 工资 Questions

  1. What if I lose or destroy my check?

    Contact the 工资 Office as soon as possible (301) 687-4332 or We will contact Banking Services to cancel the old check and reissue a new check. The 工资 Office will contact you by phone or email when the new check arrives from Central 工资. Banking services will void the old check as soon as they have received the cancellation; do not attempt to cash the lost check if you happen to find it.

  2. Can I get an advance on my salary?

    The only time the 工资 Office processes an advance on payroll earnings is when an administrative error has occurred. Advances are not given on future payments.

  3. When am I going to get paid and how do I get my check?
    It usually takes two pay periods for an employee to receive their first payment after their initial paperwork is submitted. Checks are mailed directly from Central 工资 Bureau in Annapolis to the address listed on the employee’s W-4 form.

  4. How long does it take for direct deposit to take effect?

    It usually takes two pay periods for direct deposit to begin. Central 工资 goes through a process called "pre-notification" to ensure that your financial institution is part of the system and that your account number is properly recognized. This procedure is done for your financial security. 你会发现"A fact sheet about Direct Deposit“有用的.
  5. Can I have my check mailed on campus?

    Central 工资 Bureau in Annapolis mails checks to the address listed on the employee’s W-4 form. Direct deposit stubs are no longer printed. However, you may access pay stubs via the 工资 在线 Service Center. Please contact the 工资 Office at (301) 687-4332 or 寻求帮助.

  6. Where do I get blank timesheets?

    All regular employees, as well as most contractual employees (except GA’s and Adjunct faculty) should record their time using an online timesheet, or the Lane Center’s SubItUp system for student employees working in the Lane Center. In the event a paper timesheet is needed, they can be downloaded from the 工资 and Employee Service’s website for both Regular and 合同 employees."

  7. If I am paid from the regular and contractual payrolls, will I get two W-2 forms?

    No, all earnings paid from the state of Maryland will be reflected on one W-2.